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Hope Lane - Wandering Cloud
Hope Lane
ph: 608-442-5294 | email Hope
My name is Hope Lane and I am an artist with a passion to become a graphic designer. I’m on the autism spectrum and the way that I deal with my disability is through my art. I love to paint using acrylic colors on canvas and I love the feeling of picking up that brush and expressing myself and having that feeling of knowing that I am capable of anything. The colors I use are a symbol of how I see the world and how I want that world to look.
Hope Lane’s sticker sheets are perfect for adding pizzazz to all your items! Great for kids to use with art projects. Great for laptops water bottles or whatever your heart desires!
9 stickers per page (including Hope Lane signature sticker).
Sticker sheets 5x7 with individual stickers around 1-1.5 inches
Find more of Hope’s products here.